The Library, ActiveBooks, and Exercises

When you log in, you are taken to the Library page. This area shows each series or course that you have bought or that your teachers have made available to you. Courses will frequently include some combination of ActiveBooks, Exercises, and other online resources.

ActiveLearn Student Library


ActiveBooks are digital versions of textbooks with extra tools and resources available for you to use.

While your teachers will usually provide you with access to ActiveBooks, some titles can be added to your Libaray by redeeming a code included with a physical (printed) book. 

ActiveBook View

Annotate a page, add notes, and swap between seeing one or two pages at a time. 

ActiveBook Tools

Jump to a specific page or section with a couple of clicks or taps. 

ActiveBook Controls

Many Activebooks include linked resources, downloadable extras, or online activities.

ActiveBook Hotspots


Exercises are auto-marking questions available to help you learn your course material independently. Many different kinds of exercises are available, for many different courses. All exercises can be assigned as homework tasks by your teachers.

Your teachers can see what exercises you have completed and how you performed on them.

ALS Student Exercises List
An example of an Exercise

When you have completed an exercise, you can click on your score to review results and answers from your previous attempts.