Working with Groups

When using ActiveLearn in your school, you will need to organise students and teachers into groups to make the most of the service.

In ActiveLearn, a group is a list of students and/or teachers registered on ActiveLearn as belonging to your school/institution. Once you have created a group, you can use it to set assignments, create reports, send messages, and use online markbooks.

  • Teachers can set up groups and join groups created by other teachers.
  • A group can be a cohort, a class, class sub-set, a subject group or any other collection of ActiveLearn users from your school or institution.
  • Students can be assigned to an unlimited number of groups.

Creating a Group

The Manage groups page is organised into two categories: groups that you are a member of ("My groups") and all of the other groups in your school.

The Create group button will bring you to the editing view, where you can customise the group name and add users to it. Adding users can be done directly, or when registering students/teachers.

When you create a new group, you are automatically added as the first member. When adding students or other teachers from this page, you can search by account details, year, product, or group.

Setting up groups when registering new students

One way to save time is to organise students and teachers into groups prior to registering them on ActiveLearn. When registering multiple students using the copy/paste spreadsheet form, including Group columns will place those students into any named groups.

  • When using Group columns in a student data spreadsheet, include only one group in the first group column for a given student, and use additional columns for any additional groups.
  • If a named group has not yet been created in ActiveLearn, it will be created at the same time as your students.
  • You can use the register multiple students page to update existing students and reorganise them into new groups.