Power Maths Textbook 1B: White Rose Maths Edition

The whole-class mastery approach that works for every child.

This edition is fully aligned with the new White Rose Maths schemes of learning (version 3.0) and has been updated in response to current mastery best practice and feedback from teachers. 

Based on research into effective teaching practices around the world, and authored by mastery experts, Power Maths is designed to spark curiosity, encourage a growth mindset and deepen children's understanding.  

The Textbooks provide a coherent structure through the curriculum and bring the core learning for each lesson to life.  
  • ‘Discover' sections introduce mathematical ideas using engaging problem-solving contexts.
  • ‘Share' and ‘Think Together' sections promote discussion and build secure understanding through consistent mathematical representations (using the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach).
  • Lovable characters model how to develop a growth mindset.
  • This book can be used with the corresponding Practice Book and Teacher Guide. 
Part of Power Maths

Product details

Production date:December 2022